Our Terms of Service are now easier to read and better organized to make information easier to find.
We’ve added new provisions to clarify your responsibilities regarding the content you use with Checks, the rights and authorizations you grant Google and any third-party vendors it uses to provide the Checks service, our use of third-party links, and the accuracy of the content on Checks. These can be found in Section 2.
We’ve clarified how we’ll handle legal or regulatory requests for your Checks analysis in Section 4.
We’ve updated our billing provisions in Section 5 around the use of payment accounts, changing subscription tiers, other payment processing methods, and tax responsibilities.
We’ve clarified how you can reach us if you ever have questions about the Terms of Service or Checks generally.
Main Changes implemented on September 26, 2022
Section 5.4 has been updated to allow for additional subscription periods and payment options.
Section 6.1 has been updated to clarify the scope of Google's Intellectual Property rights.
Section 7 has been updated to clarify Check's privacy policy.